Pro 4
Pro 4, Pro 4

LED Light Module Assembly Removal Procedures

Time required for this step: Approximately 2 Minutes (4 Minutes for both sides)

Tools required for this step:

  • None

Parts involved in this step:

VR-PRO4-05-0001 LED Light Module Assembly

QuantityPart NumberPart Description
1VR-PRO4-05-0001Light Assembly LED Module (Pro 4)


Note: The following step-by-step instructions apply to one side. Repeat these steps on both sides if you plan to remove both LED Light Modules.

  1. Pull the LED light module assembly from the horizontal thruster tube. Do NOT pull the assembly out too fast, or you could damage the wires.

  2. Disconnect the LED light module assembly wire by pressing on the clip on the connector and pulling the connector halves apart.

If the video above doesn't play in your browser, click this play icon to try an alternate method: , or click this manual reference icon to view an exploded view


If you plan to remove the horizontal thruster drive train assembly, you can also disconnect the motor wires from within the front of the horizontal thruster tube after the LED light module assembly is out of the way.

Document Path: Pro 4 Maintenance Manual > LED Light Reflector Set > Removal Procedures > 2 - LED Light Module