Pro 4
Pro 4, Pro 4

Horizontal Thruster Cone Assembly Removal Procedures

Time required for this step: Approximately 3 Minutes (6 Minutes for both sides)

Tools required for this step:

Parts involved in this step:

HT-002-GY-ASSM Horizontal Thruster Cone Assembly

QuantityPart NumberPart Description
1HT-002-GY-ASSMThruster Assembly Horizontal Cone (Pro 4)
1OR-135O-Ring #135


Note: The following step-by-step instructions apply to one side. Repeat these steps on both sides if you plan to remove both Horizontal Cones.

  1. Unscrew the horizontal thruster cone assembly from the horizontal thruster tube.

  2. If you plan to replace the O-ring, remove it by pinching it around the horizontal thruster tube to create a slack section that can be grabbed. Do NOT use a metal tool to remove the O-ring.

If the video above doesn't play in your browser, click this play icon to try an alternate method: , or click this manual reference icon to view an exploded view


The horizontal thruster cone assembly has right-handed threads. Turn the thruster cone counterclockwise, when viewed from the rear of the ROV, in order to loosen it.

If you cannot loosen the horizontal thruster cone assembly by hand, you can use a non-slip pad, strap wrench or rubber coated pipe pliers.

Document Path: Pro 4 Maintenance Manual > Horizontal Cone > Removal Procedures > 4 - Horizontal Cone