Pro 4
Pro 4, Pro 4

ROV Board Set Removal Procedures

Time required for this step: Approximately 5 Minutes

Tools required for this step:

  • None

Parts involved in this step:

CB-01-PRO4-SET ROV Board Set

QuantityPart NumberPart Description
1CB-01-PRO4-SETCircuit Board ROV Set (Pro 4)


  1. Gently slide the ROV board set part way out from the rear of the main hull.

  2. Release the ROV CPU board connector latches and remove the connector from the ROV CPU board.

  3. Slide the ROV board set a little further out of the main hull.

  4. Remove the camera ribbon cable from the ROV CPU board.

  5. Remove the pressure sensor ribbon cable from the ROV CPU board.

  6. Slide the ROV board set a little further out of the main hull.

  7. Remove the ROV power board connector from the ROV power control board.

  8. Slide the ROV board set completely out of the main hull.

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Document Path: Pro 4 Maintenance Manual > Pressure Sensor > Removal Procedures > 13 - ROV Board Set