FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
New users typically have some basic questions about the ?Pro 4 Ultra. Before getting to the details, this section is provided to address the questions asked most frequently, without having to scan through the manual to find the answers.
If you have questions about a problem with a ?Pro 4 Ultra, see the Diagnostics and Repair section of the Maintenance Guide for more information.
How hard is it to learn how to operate the ?Pro 4 Ultra?
The ?Pro 4 Ultra is easy to learn to operate. In a few hours, users should be able to pilot the ROV confidently in clear, calm water and know enough about it to maintain it in good condition for years. However, mastering all the knowledge and developing the skills to be able to pilot the ROV in much more demanding situations with near zero visibility and swift current will require more experience. See the Quick Start Instructions for more information.
How deep can the Pro 4 Ultra go?
The rated depth of the Pro 4 Ultra is 300 meters (1000 feet).
How fast can the Pro 4 Ultra go?
The rated speed of the Pro 4 Ultra is 4 knots.
In how much current can the Pro 4 Ultra operate?
While the logical answer seems to be that it can not operate in current faster than the vehicle can go in calm water, operational tactics can be used to operate in current that exceeds the maximum speed of the ROV. See the Piloting in Current section of the Operations Guide for more information.
How much can you pick up with the Pro 4 Ultra?
The Pro 4 Ultra manipulator closes with about 4.5 kilograms (10 pounds) of force, and the vehicle has (limited vertical thrust. However, if you can grab a secure hold of an object, you can retrieve more weight by pulling on the tether. Items weighing up to 20 kilograms (80 pounds) in water have been successfully retrieved. See the Tether section in the Equipment Guide for more information.
How much tether can you use with the Pro 4 Ultra?
The maximum tether length is about 600 meters (2,000 feet). Tether is like conventional electric extension cords and multiple sections can be plugged in together. See the Tether section in the Equipment Guide for more information.
How do you adjust the buoyancy and trim of the Pro 4 Ultra?
The buoyancy and trim can be adjusted by opening the skid pod and adding or removing the ballast weights. See the Pre-Dive Preparations section of the Quick Start Instructions for more information.
Can you record pictures and video from the Pro 4 Ultra?
Pictures and videos can be recorded in digital format on the computer. There is also an analog out connector for recording to standard analog devices that accept a composite video signal. See the Images and Videos section in the Operations Guide for more information.
Can you record topside audio for narration?
Topside audio can be recorded along with the video file. Audio can be muted while recording to eliminate background noise. See the Video Window section in the VideoRay Cockpit Guide for more information.
How much maintenance is required for the Pro 4 Ultra
The Pro 4 Ultra is easy to maintain. There are very few consumable parts, and these have been designed to be as easy to replace as possible. Cleaning the vehicle after each use is one of the most important maintenance requirements. See the Routine Maintenance section of the Maintenance Guide for more information.
More Questions?
Additional questions and answers are available online at www.rovfaq.com, which is also linked at the bottom of each page. The online FAQ is updated regularly.