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VideoRay Pro 4 Software Downloads

VideoRay's Position Statement regarding Microsoft Windows Versions and upgrades

Microsoft Windows 8 and 10 require additional steps to install drivers. Windows 7 does not require these steps.

If you are unsure what downloads you require, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

VideoRay Hardware Drivers

Serial to USB Converter (Required for the computer to connect to the ROV.)

The Pro 4 Ultra uses a different Serial to USB Converter driver than the Pro 4. Make sure you use the correct Driver.

You must install only the correct driver. Installing the wrong driver or more than one driver may cause your system to fail. Contact VideoRay Support at if you are not sure which driver to install.

Video Capture Device (Required for computer to capture video from the ROV. Only one of the drivers below is needed. See: Driver Installation Notes, or Contact VideoRay Support for information about which driver to install.)

You must install only the correct driver. Installing the wrong driver or more than one driver may cause your system to fail. Contact VideoRay Support at if you are not sure which driver to install.

GPS Antenna Driver (required if using a topside GPS antenna with your Pro 4.)

VideoRay Cockpit Software

Most Recent Update

Prior Releases

Optional Configuration Files and Drivers

Required only for specific options or accessories as listed.

These versions are only required for PAM enabled versions of these options or accessories.

Rotating Manipulator Driver / Setup

Lyyn Visibility Enhancement Serial Driver (requires serial interface inside control panel) Driver / Setup

Tritech Micron Echosounder Altimeter Driver / Setup

Cygnus Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge Driver / Setup

Teledyne RDI DVL (Doppler Velocity Log) Driver / Setup

ROV GPS Antenna Driver / Setup

Laser Scaling Device Driver / Setup

Radiation Sensor Setup

YSI Sonde Driver / Setup

Lateral Thruster Configuration Set (includes hand controller configuration file) Driver / Setup

Document Path: Educational Resources Library > ROV Systems Information > Pro 4 ROVs > Pro 4 Software Downloads