On-Site and Customized Training Options
Proof of Covid 19 Vaccination is required to attend VideoRay in-person classes.
VideoRay can deliver classes at your preferred location (it doesn't have to be your office), and if desired, customize the course topics to meet your specific needs.
The benefits of on-site training include:
- On-site classes can be delivered locally and are more convenient for your attendees.
- On-site classes are exclusive to your attendees and their needs, not those of strangers who may have different needs and goals.
- On-site classes can be conducted in the environment and conditions in which you normally operate making the experience more practical for your operators.
- On-site classes can be customized to your specific application or level of participants knowledge and skills so you get the attention you deserve on the topics that are most important to you.
- Depending on travel costs, on-site training classes can be more cost effective than individual open enrollment fees when more than 3, 4 or more people need to be trained.
To discuss on-site training options and scheduling contact VideoRay's training administrator via:
- Email training@videoray.com
- Phone +1 (610) 458-3000, select option 1 (for Support) and ask for the training administrator.
On-site and customized classes can also be delivered virtually using remote presence technologies.