Greensea Import/Export
Greensea Import/Export, Greensea Import/Export

Section 10

The .yml File Format and Information

Greensea mission files contain general information about the mission, such as its name, and a series of waypoints. Mission files are stored in a .yml files. The .yml file is in text format that is easy to read. An example mission file with two waypoints is shown here:

### Greensea Workspace Waypoint Data
###  Created by VideoRay: 2021-05-23  20:21:09
  - id: "{2fa9aade-537d-494d-b260-c236e459ae7c}"
    name: mission
    color: "#00ffff"
    color_propagate: false
    locked: false
      - id: "{b1cb7cc1-c655-4444-8bce-81cae366d76d}"
      - id: "{5541b691-276e-405c-bb68-ef5d1707fb55}"
  - id: "{b1cb7cc1-c655-4444-8bce-81cae366d76d}"
    mission_id: "{2fa9aade-537d-494d-b260-c236e459ae7c}"
    name: A
    color: "#ffff00"
    x: -75.5
    y: 41.5
    z: 0.9144000000000001
    tolerance: 1.8288000000000002
    z_alt: false
    z_matters: true
    speed: 0.1524
    use_speed: true
    effort: 70
    display_rb: false
    locked: false
    heading: 0
    heading_mode: NONE
  - id: "{5541b691-276e-405c-bb68-ef5d1707fb55}"
    mission_id: "{2fa9aade-537d-494d-b260-c236e459ae7c}"
    name: B
    color: "#ffff00"
    x: -75.08722666666667
    y: 41.36926166666667
    z: 0.6096
    tolerance: 1.8288000000000002
    z_alt: false
    z_matters: true
    speed: 0.1524
    use_speed: true
    effort: 70
    display_rb: false
    locked: false
    heading: 0
    heading_mode: NONE

You may notice that there are many parameters associated with the mission and each waypoint. The program allows you to set defaults for all of these values so you do not have to include these data elements in your file if you do not want to. Here is the full list of .yml data elements with descriptions. Additional information about each these parameters can be found on the CFG File page.

Mission Data

Mission ID (Auto generated by the program)

Mission Name (Text)

Mission Color (Hex RGB color value, range: #000000 - #9999FF; the program includes a graphic color picker.)

Mission Color Propagate (True / False)

Mission Locked (True / False)

List of Waypoint IDs (Auto generated by the program)

Waypoint Data

Waypoint ID (Auto generated by the program)

Waypoint name (Text)

Waypoint color (Hex RGB color value, range: #000000 - #FFFF00; the program includes a graphic color picker.)

Waypoint y [North] (Number - Degrees value)

Waypoint x [East] (Number - Degrees value)

Waypoint z [Depth / Altitude] (Number, meters)

Waypoint tolerance (Number)

Waypoint z_alt [Z is Altitude] (True / False)

Waypoint z_matters [Use Depth Lock] (True / False)

Waypoint speed (Number, speed in meters/second)

Waypoint use_speed [Use Speed Lock] (True / False)

Waypoint effort [% Effort] (Number, range: 1 - 100)

Waypoint display_rb (True / False)

Waypoint locked (True / False)

Waypoint heading (Number, range: 0 - 360)

Waypoint heading_mode (NONE / ALONG_LINE / FIXED)

Within the .yml, the Units Type is Meters and the Degrees Format is always Decimal Degrees. Your .csv file can contain units of feet and other degrees formats (Degrees Decimal Minutes or Degrees Minutes Seconds) by specifying these as default units to use.

Document Path: Greensea Import/Export How to Guide > Convert .csv to .yml (Mission File) > Files and Formats > YML File