Cygnus Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge
Cygnus Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge, Cygnus Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge

Pre-Dive Preparations

The Cygnus Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge requires installation before use, follow the steps below to prepare the Thickness Gauge for use:

  1. For the first time only, install the Cygnus Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge software.

  2. Mount the Thickness Gauge onto the ROV.

  3. Start the Thickness Gauge software.

  4. Check to make sure all components are secured tightly and perform a functions test to ensure the Cygnus Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge is working properly before diving.

Good Advice

The time to catch small problems before they become big problems is during the pre-dive inspection.

Document Path: Cygnus Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge Operator's Manual > Product Overview > Quick Start Instructions > Pre-Dive Preparations