Introduction to the System Components
Unpack the system and familiarize yourself with the components.
ROV System
The base system for a CoPilot RI configuration includes the VideoRay Pro 4. For more information about the VideoRay Pro 4, see the VideoRay Pro 4 Operator's Manual.
BlueView Imaging Sonar
Forward looking imaging sonar provides extended visual range capabilities. Possible targets of interest can be observed and marked, and the system can navigate to them manually or automatically.
Teledyne RDI DVL (Doppler Velocity Logger)
The DVL is used to keep track of the vehicle's location while it is underwater. It uses an array of acoustic beams to track its course over the seafloor in a local coordinate system.
ROV GPS Antenna
The ROV GPS Antenna provides a method to identify the vehicle's location within a global reference frame. GPS is not effective underwater, so the GPS Antenna only works when the ROV is on the surface. Periodic GPS fixes can supplement the DVL tracking.
Some items shown are optional and not included with all models.
Additional Items
Additional items may be supplied with your system including tools, spare parts and other items. If included, these items are described in other sections of this documentation.
Some items shown may be optional and not included with your configuration.